What is the greatest Adventure?
While we enjoy exploring a new trail or experiencing a remotely brewed cup of coffee, Trailblazer is about so much more - something far greater than ourselves. Trailblazer is about the discovery and journey of leaving a legacy that is only enjoyed by authentically reflecting our Creator who is the legacy Himself, in Jesus. How do you enjoy God and speak about Jesus in everything you do in everyday life - in words and actions?
Our journey in adventuring with God in everyday Life is not figured out. We step, and as we do, we are on an adventure, simply because God is our Trailblazer and has gone before us and is with us wherever we go and whatever we do.
What race are you running?
We are Joseph and Lisa and we are a family of four. Trailblazer is our race of adventure in Jesus Christ, our God.
Contact: adventure@trailblazer.africa